How to Install SuiteCRM?

Vijay Kumar
3 min readNov 22, 2019


Ask from well-known businesses that sometimes they may find communication with customers a hectic moment. Now the situation has changed after the introduction of the SuiteCRM concept. This open-source CRM is exactly what every business is looking for and guess what now every way of communicating with customers is simple and accurate one.

How to install SuiteCRM?|Outright Store

Gone are those days where communication between you and your customers is quite tricky but now just positive interaction is there, thanks to SuiteCRM. Still, there are quite few readers reading this blog know about this CRM but unfortunately, don’t know the installation process on how to install SuiteCRM. Not such a complex process if you follow guidance step by step, so we have shared steps what to follow first till last.

How to download and move files to Server?

Well, before going into dig about the SuiteCRM Installation, first let’s understand steps how to download and move files to a server. Check it out:-

  • Your first step is to download SuiteCRM.
  • Suppose if you are using SuiteCRM for the first time, register with SuiteCRM then and also download SuiteCRM Zip file.
  • Your third step is to unzip the downloaded file and after that, you need to copy the entire extracted files to a server root folder.
  • Final step is just to change the ownership of SuiteCRM Directory to Apache user and group.

Steps to follow the installation process of SuiteCRM

Now finally, we want all of you to read out each step and follow in proper order if you want SuiteCRM on your server.

  • First, go to your browser and open SuiteCRM as SuiteCRM can even detect whether you are new users or already operated on your server. After completing this, it shows a page of installation and log-in.
  • If you go for installation then you will see the first page shows Licence Agreement and once it is accepted, tap on the Next button.
  • Role of SuiteCRM here to check out all prerequisites of the server automatically. And if SuiteCRM finds everything accurate, you have to click on the “Next” button. One more thing, suppose SuiteCRM find any error before going further, you need to resolve those errors first.
  • Now the final step is just to fill the configuration page and then tap on next. The process of installation will start to begin and you have to log-in your username and password which you put up in Site configuration.

What to remember before going to install SuiteCRM on your server?

Well, this needs to understand because if you are going directly to install SuiteCRM then first you need to know what to remember. We are ready to guide you properly as if there is a need of SuiteCRM then make sure you have the right system specification and yes, required libraries are there. Some following PHP extension is a must and those were-

  • JSON Extension
  • XML Parser Extension
  • MB Strings Modules Extension
  • Memory Limit( this should be up to 128M)
  • ZLIB Compression Module
  • ZIP Handling Module
  • PCRE Library
  • IMAP Modules and IMAP-client Libraries
  • cURL Module
  • Upload File Size( this needed minimum 10MB)

Watch video below to understand better:

If you still have any doubts or want to get connected with our team experts or you need to know more about information, you can search our website and visit here and get yourself aware of everything.

Blog written by: Mayank Puri



Vijay Kumar
Vijay Kumar

Written by Vijay Kumar

I am Vijay Kumar. I have 3-year experience as an SEO Specialist profile. My core expertise are CRM, Software testing, SEO, ON-page, OFF-Page, Run Campaign, etc.

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